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The Welcome Project

Home: Welcome

What is "The Welcome Project"?

The aim of the project is to engage the whole Big Hill Primary School community, in particular the Indigenous students and their families. Throughout the project students will immerse themselves in rich Aboriginal culture, explore traditional art concepts, creating a collective art piece which will be titled “Womin-dji-ka”.

“Womin-dji-ka”. This simple yet heart-warming word, native to the Dja Dja Wurrung people meaning “Welcome” will be the focus of a creative mural which will greet the Big Hill community as they enter the school grounds.

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Our Artists

Meet Troy and Daikota

Daikota Nelson

Daikota is a local emerging Dja Dja Wurrung Artist who will be working collaboratively with Troy Firebrace to inspire our students throughout this art project. Daikota has worked locally with a local Primary School as well as with local communities groups, designing and creating community inspired artwork.

Troy Firebrace

Troy’s enthusiasm towards his art is inspiring and this shows in his unique and creative designs. His motivation is to bring modernism into Aboriginal Art and to share his skills with a variety of different people.

Troy and Daikota Headshots.jpg
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Day 16 - Pencil Draft

Today some students continued to pencil in their designs onto their letters, whilst others were ready to begin the painting process....

Day 15 - Letter Design

Daikota worked with the students today designing different borders for their letters. They talked about how they could incorporate...

Day 14 - Letter Priming

"Yay" our letters have arrived and they look fantastic. Each students received their letter and they learnt about the priming process. ...

Day 13 - Draft Contined...

Today the students continued to draft their designs with the assistance of Daikota. They honed their skills and worked out how they...

Day 12 - Drafting Cont....

Well today the letters arrived. After a few hiccups along the way, we now have the actual letters that the students will be painting on....

Day 11 - Drafting Begins

Today the students began drafting their story on their actual size letter. They were encouraged to use what they have learnt during their...

Day 10 - Identity

Today the students explored identity. They had the opportunity to have family members visit during the session to share personal stories...

Day 9 - Invitations

Today the students worked on creating an invitation to welcome a special person to our school who can share their stories which will help...

Day 8 Culture (Imagination)

The focus of today’s lesson was culture. The students enjoyed listening to various animal sounds from the didgeridoo today. Their first...

Day 7. Inspiration

Today the students worked on inspiration. Troy, Pam and Lauren took the students outside to explore how we can be inspired by the things...

Day 6. Stories

There are many types of stories in Aboriginal culture. Creation stories for example: rainbow serpent, Bunjil and Waa. Stories help us to...

Day 5. Letter Selection and Design

Today, student’s selected the letter that they wanted to design and decorate for our sign. They then began to work on how they wanted to...

Day 4. Exploring Fonts

Today students learnt about different fronts and the impact they have. With assistance from Troy and Daikota the students explored...

Day 3. Using Symbols To Tell Stories

Today Troy shared symbols with the children and had them guess the meanings. The students talked about the different ways animals and...

Day 2. Yarn Circle

Today the students enjoyed a rich discussion with Troy about things they like. A group discussion took place about “How do we feel...

Day 1. Meeting The Artist's

Today the students involved in "The Welcome Project" were introduced to Troy Firebrace and Daikota Nelson, the artists who will be...

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Big Hill Primary School

5644 Calder Highway, BIG HILL, VIC, 3555

(03) 5447 7022

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©2019 by "Womin-dji-ka" The Welcome Project Big Hill Primary School 2019. Proudly created with

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